
Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
Ant-ggression-man - EXPERT destroyer! *Video included* 280 234 24 1.0
Inspiration for
None yet

Clintparker13 · 125

Clarification: I think this deck is very different from the one is "inspired", but because I look that deck to understand some basics things about Ant-Man the first time I played him it seemed fair to give credit. The three main ideas that I used are 3 copies of Surprise Attack, 3 copies of Ready to Rumble and some allies.

Strenghts: Ant-Man has very good abilities to thwart and attack so the idea of this deck is to focus on Avengers allies that do nice damage and help blocking and to boost the basic attack of Ant-Man to do more damage. The Avengers Tower help you play the allies at a reduced cost and so does Team-Building Exercise. The second card even helps you to play your "tiny" and "giant" cards at a reduced cost so the sinergy is great.

Weakness: the idea of Ant-Man is to change size a lot so you will not spend much time in alter ego, this will sometimes make healing difficult if needed. Pym Particles, Ant-Man's Helmet and your allies are there to mitigate this problem. Ant-Man giant form has a hand size of 4 so you need to try to finish your turns in tiny form everytime you can unless staying in giant form is worth it.


Strategy: rush damage is the name of the game, you can take a turn in alter ego if is needed but not much more than that, specially versus villians like Ronan. Take risks and try to beat the villians before they can do much. I beat expert Rhyno and normal Ronan in solo with this deck.

Multiplayer: I did not play multiplayer with this deck yet so I donĀ“t know if it will work well and what heroes will be better to pair with Ant-Man.

If you use this deck let me know how it went :).