Scarlet Witch

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Goldenpearl · 14

Time for Quicksilver to take the lead. (Sidekick superstar deck)

Quicksilver Upgrades:

With this setup, Quicksilver can activate 3 times per round. He has 6 HP, 2 thwart, and 4 attack. He will deal 1 damage to an enemy whenever he attacks/thwarts.

He can also activate additional times per round with the following events:

With a single Side-by-Side, he can deal 19 damage per round!

Of course, we need to find him first. Fortunately, Call for Aid is the perfect card for this. Since he is the only Avenger ally in the deck, it is a guaranteed hit. (After we find Quicksilver, we can use Call for Aid to deck ourselves and guarantee hits on White Fox and Digging Deep)

To keep Quicksilver healed, utilize Sidekick and basic recovery. (Bloodgem gives us a good excuse to recover each turn.)