Rogue Brute Swings Con of Heroes 2024

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Pedroq · 145


Brute Force Utilities deck. Equip brute force to inflate your attack state. Synergies Quick Strike and Smash the Problem utilize the attack stat without discarding Brute Force.


[X-Gene](/card/38019). Attaching X-Gene in the first turn always feels amazing with any Mutant character, but Rogue can stay in hero for a long time and flipping to AE can fell awkward. Best to get this out of the way in the first turn.

[Boom Boom](/card/32090). You will need an ally to target with Touched to get your aggression events back. Boom Boom is a wonderful stay out ally since she can build up damage every turn.


A bit lengthy as there are 11 upgrades that you want to get out. But most upgrades are cheap 1 cost upgrades.
X-Gene is the most pressing to get in the opening hand. It requires Mutant trait so you need to line up a flip to AE. Can get around this if a teammate is in AE and you can take Mutant from them.
[Honed Technique](/card/28017) is important as it enables the general strategy of hitting hard with your aggression attack events.
[Brute Force](/card/14029) is a luxury upgrade. It is the namesake of the deck but isn't critical to the deck. Equip them whenever it's possible but not at the expense of a better option for the game. Do not be afraid to basic attack and lose the Brute Force if the basic attack helps the game state. Brute Force is cheap to play and you have 3 copies so they come up easily.


There are two avenues for playing the deck depending on what your teammates will do.

Late Game Carry:
Attach Touched to the Villain. Make use of Rogue's defense and [Bulletproof Belle](/card/38008) to protect yourself. Build up your board and rely on your teammates to manage the early game. Make sure to play [Honed Technique](/card/28017), [Boom Boom](/card/32090), and [Martial Prowess](/card/10018) in the first run through of your deck. Then slowly build up the one cost aggressions to hit more and more damage. [Quick Strike](/card/25018) should be played every time once you are set up. Meet the requirement for Honed Technique to boost the damage. With minimal upgrades, Quick Strike hits for 4 damage. With all upgrades, Quick Strike hits for 9 damage. Boom Boom stays on the board as a target for [Touched](/card/38002) to fetch [Quick Strike](/card/25018) with [Superpower Adaptation](/card/38009). Boom Boom also builds up damage with her ability for a nice finisher. [Test the Defense](/card/45044) accumulates rather quickly as you aim to play Quick Strike 6 times every time you go through your deck (3 on it's own and 3 with Superpower Adaptation).

Early Game Control:
Rogue's kit is versatile. She can damage, thwart, status lock, and protect well. Prioritize X-Gene and Deft Focus to enable paying for your identity cards. Rely on your identity cards to stabilize the game. When you need to protect your teammates, then attach Touched to the Villain to stun with [Southern Cross](/card/38006), or confuse with [Goin' Rogue](/card/38005), and set up multiple defenses with [Bulletproof Belle](/card/38008). Where you need greater bursts of damage and thwart then place Touched on allies to boost Southern Cross and Goin Rogue. Aggression offers utility while allowing us to build our late game in a slower fashion. [Tempus](/card/45042) acts as a pseudo confuse. [Sunfire](/card/35014) can take out attachments. Both are cheap value allies that can atk/thw then defend your teammates. Your aggression allies give you consistency as you can [Superpower Adaptation](/card/38009) to fetch [Dive Bomb](/card/17028) when you must clear lots of minions. [Quick Strike](/card/25018) is also useful minion clear as you can get more damage on board. When you need to thwart then prioritize attaching Brute Force then play [Smash the Problem](/card/25019). [Rogue's Jacket](/card/38004) also helps increase your thwart value. [Energy Transfer](/card/38007) is the ultimate utility card for rogue; damage, heal and ready all in one.


Rogue's Kit can feel at odds with itself cause of Touch. Touching a friendly character gains you traits, boosts the output of Southern Cross and Goin Rogue, but locks out Bulletproof Belle. Inversely, Touching an enemy grants you status effects and enables Bulletproof Belle but at the cost of extra damage. Gaining multiple traits enables nifty powerhouse effects but require a lot to setup. Looping cards with Superpower Adaptation creates the conflict of touching an ally versus an enemy and requires a steady stream of allies or one fixed ally on board. Energy Transfer will deal damage to the touched character so cannot use it to target an ally; sequencing can get awkward. [Deadly Touch](/card/38024) is a dangerous obligation if you are touching your teammates or allies. So, she gets funky.

Thematically it's cool to feel spurned by your own abilities while playing Rogue. But, annoying when actually playing.

The conflict for me boils down to "I am distracted by the possibilities and lament the lost value." I enjoy playing her most when I commit to her playstyles and accept the short comings. She has two playstyles, touch friendlies or enemies.
Touch Enemies: A selfless approach. You are going to rely on stun/confuse effects to control the villain while adding a little damage and thwart to the game state. Bulletproof Belle the most value card. You will protect yourself and up to teammates during the villain phase all while dealing retaliate damage. She is self sufficient and provides some help to teammates.
Touch Allies: A selfish approach. You are going to get more value from your cards but need teammates/allies to protect you. Ally heavy decks or Small ally package that sticks around work great. You can exploit the the nifty trait combos. Slow to setup and you are a burden(especially with the Deadly Touch obligation).

This deck takes a 50-50 approach where you can lean into selfless or selfish as needed. Cant wait to touch everyone at Con of Heroes.


[Bombs Away](/card/42029). In games where you need more wide minion clear and can't afford a 4 cost Dive Bomb. Can also substitute in for Smash the Problem if you are sure you wont need to thwart.

[The Direct Approach](/card/43020). Awesome card for side-scheme heavy decks, and permanent side-schemes.